Security & Fraud
Security & Fraud

Participation of “SMS Sender Registration Scheme


Public Finance Limited (the “Company”) has joined the SMS Sender Registration Scheme (the” Scheme”) initiated by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, the Hong Kong Association of Banks and the Office of the Communications Authority, to help the public to verify the identities of SMS Sender and safeguard customers against SMS scams.


Starting from 7 June 2024, the Company shall use one of the following sender IDs with the prefix # to transmit one-way SMS to mobile numbers registered with the Hong Kong telecommunication operators:


  1. #PUBLICFIN1, or
  2. #PUBLICFIN2, or


The Scheme is not applicable to:


(i) SMS messages of which receiving parties are expected to reply to the senders via phone numbers (i.e. “2-way SMS”); or

(ii) Local subscribers of Single-Card-Multiple-Numbers/One-Card-Two-Numbers mobile service provided by non-Hong Kong operators.


Please refer to the following website for the Office of the Communications Authority SMS Sender Registration Scheme information:


Warning against bogus phone calls, SMS messages, business card and loan agreement


The Company also remind customers and the public to be vigilant against possible scams:

  1. The Company do not appoint any third parties to conduct telemarketing calls on behalf of our Company. There are unidentified parties using the name of “Public Finance” without the Company’s authority to conduct telemarketing calls and/or issue fake business cards to members of the public to solicit for personal loan business.
  2. The Company shall not notify any customers of their account irregularities through pre-recorded messages and/or send SMS messages to request them to call a hotline to check the account transactions. Customers are reminded to protect their sensitive information at all times and not to provide any personal information through phone calls or emails.
  3. There are unidentified parties using the name of “Public Finance” without the Company’s authority to issue false personal loan agreements to members of the public claiming that the personal loan applications have been approved.
  4. The Company would not request customers to provide any sensitive personal information through hyperlinks, QR codes embedded in SMS messages, e-mails or on websites.


The Company would like to inform members of the public that the aforesaid calls, SMS messages, business cards, and the loan agreement are not being made or issued by the Company or its authorised agents.


If you are suspicious about the identity of the callers or you have received SMS messages or business card, you should request for the callers' full name, branch / department name, and staff number, if applicable, and verify the genuineness of the calls, SMS messages, or business card with us at 2848 1888. You are reminded not to provide your personal information to the suspicious person(s).


If you are in doubt of our marketing and promotional activities and materials, please call the above customer service hotline for authentication.


The Company has reported similar incidents to the Hong Kong Police and notified the relevant authority on the incidents to protect the interests of its customers and the public.


If you are concerned that you may have disclosed your personal information to the suspicious person(s), please contact us or report immediately to the Police.


The Company had made announcement on "Unauthorized Use of the Company's Name to Conduct Telephone Marketing Calls for Personal Loan Business" on 1 February 2017, please CLICK HERE.


For Fraud Prevention Information of Hong Kong Monetary Authority, please visit Fraud Prevention Information and Education video (Chinese version only) provided by Hong Kong Monetary Authority.


Public Finance Limited


Note: If customers do not wish to receive marketing communications from the Company, they may notify the Company in writing or by calling the Company's Hotline above.