Personal Loan
Personal Loan
  • No handling fee
  • Loan multiple up to 15 times^ of monthly salary
  • Interest rate as low as 0.18%* p.m. flat
  • Repayment tenor up to 48 months
  • Successfully apply to enjoy up to HK$5,000 supermarket vouchers#

Maximum loan amount of HK$800,000 or up to 15 times of monthly salary, whichever is lower.

The respective monthly flat rate and Annualised Percentage Rate ("APR") for loan amount of HK$10,000 is 0.1800%/4.04% (12 months), 0.1742%/4.04% (24 months), 0.1730%/4.04% (36 months). An APR is a reference rate which includes the basic interest rate and other fees and charges of a product expressed as an annualised rate.

# Only applicable to customers who do not hold any Personal Loan account offered by Public Finance Limited (the “Company”) at the time of application. Customers who have successfully applied and drawn down the Tax Bill Personalised Rating Personal Loan directly through our branches, application hotline, PFL eLoan App or Internet on or before 30 September 2025 are eligible for supermarket voucher valued up to HK$5,000. The amount of the supermarket voucher depends on the loan amount. The Company reserves the right to terminate or amend the promotion without prior notice.


The Tax Bill Personalised Rating Personal Loan Promotion is subject to terms and conditions. For details of the above promotion, please contact our staff at 2848 1888.


Annualised Percentage Rate (“APR”) is a reference rate which includes the basic interest rate and other fees and charges of a product expressed as an annualised rate. APR is calculated according to the method set out in the Code of Banking Practice. The APR ranges from 3.57% to 36.00%, with repayment period of 6 to 84 months#. The loan application is subject to the Company’s approval. For example, for a loan amount of HK$12,000 with a repayment period of 12 months, the monthly flat rate is 0.2% (APR 4.49%). The monthly repayment amount is HK$1,024, the total interest expense is HK$288, and the total repayment amount is HK$12,288 (0% handling fee). The above example is for reference only.


# Repayment tenor over 60 months is applicable for the loan purpose of debt consolidation.

Application Procedures

If you have steady monthly income in Hong Kong, you may apply for our Personal Loan through our Application Hotline 2848 1888, Online Application , PFL eLoan App.


eloan app qrcode


or bring along the following documentation proofs when you apply at any of our branches

  • Hong Kong Identity Card
  • Employment / Income proof
  • Residential proof


If you cannot apply during office hours, Public Finance has extended the business hours of selected branches to 7:00 p.m. (Mon - Fri) and to 1:00 p.m. (Sat) for your convenience. For details, please visit our "Branch Network".

The above promotions are subject to the Terms and Conditions of the respective promotions. For details, please contact us at 2848 1888 from 9:00 a.m. to 6:15 p.m. (Mon - Fri) or from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (Sat).